By combining the three major components of a concentration system into a single housing and making the components ritually maintenance -free, the SPD Integrated SpeedVac kits take sample concentration to a higher level. Completely self contained, the SPD1030 and SPD2030 SpeedVacs provide a "plug and play" convenient setup with uncomplicated controls, with built in sample evaporation programs and display
Vacuum Concentrators :
Savant™ SpeedVac™ DNA 130 Integrated Vacuum Concentrator System
Thermo Scientific™ Savant SpeedVac™ DNA130 is a compact, integrated vacuum concentrator...
SpeedVac SPD1030 Integrated Vacuum Concentrator
Dry and concentrate aqueous or non-aggressive samples with speed and efficiency with...
SpeedVac SPD2030 Integrated Vacuum Concentrator
Dry and concentrate aqueous or non-aggressive samples with speed and efficiency with...